Hartcliffe Children’s Centre
About Hartcliffe Children’s Centre
Hartcliffe Children’s Centre provides family support services for communities in the Hartcliffe, and Withywood areas in the South of Bristol.
Contact Hartcliffe Children’s Centre
Hareclive Road
BS13 0JW
01179 038633

Hartcliffe Children’s Centre is a Family Hub
Family Hubs bring together multiple organisations in a ‘one stop shop’ to make it easier to get the information and help you and your family need.
Family Hubs are for families with babies, children and young people from birth until they reach the age of 19 (or up to 25 foö young people with special educational needs and disabilities).
Latest News from Hartcliffe Children’s Centre
Help From Your Children’s Centre Advice and Support Team
If you're expecting a child or are a parent of a child under five, looking for information and advice on work, training, childcare or financial support; We can: help you find childcare work out what benefits and financial support you may qualify for Assist you in...
What's happening today Across all South Bristol Children's Centres
A chance to see the Health Visitor for advice and scales will be available for you to use. Also breastfeeding support and the Children’s Centre team are on hand to share information. A chance to see the Health Visitor for advice and scales will be available for you to use. Also breastfeeding support and the Children’s Centre team are on hand to share information. Nurture Groups are intimate circles of SEND parents offering belonging support and ways to stay well along the challenging parent carer path.February 2025
Tuesday 11th February
Suitable for parents/carers of children under 0-5 years. Scales are available until 10:30am.
Suitable for parents/carers of children under 0-5 years.
To book a space contact: murmuratuincommunitytheraphy.com